The Princess and the Pony by Kate Beaton, Book Review by

The Princess and the Pony by Kate Beaton is the story of little Princess Pinecone, who lives in a community of big, strong warriors. All she wants for her birthday is a big, strong warrior horse, but instead, she gets an adorable roly-poly pony. Hijinks ensue, and Princess Pinecone learns to appreciate her new little friend.

Natasha’s Rating: ★★★★

I liked the fact that Princess Pinecone really wanted to be a warrior princess instead of the little cute princess that everyone treated her as. I won’t give away the twist at the end, but the message is that everyone has a softer side, and that’s not something to be ashamed of.

Eliana’s rating: ★★★★★

I liked this book because the warriors were thinking that the pony was super cute. It was funny that she got it for a present and she was riding it for the battle. But she won anyway! She was a prepared princess who was brave. I think girls AND boys would like this book.

You can find a whole list of our favorite plucky princesses here.

Happy reading!

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